All ten titles of The Studies of the Savior set
Volumes with hardcover denoted by (H) and paperbacks with (PB).
Titles include:
(1#) His Incarnation- Paperback
(2#) His Miracles- Paperback
(3#) His Parables- Hardcover
(4#) His Encounters- Paperback
(5#) His Disciples- Paperback
(6#) His Praying- Paperback
(7#) His Sermon on the Mount- Paperback
(8#) His Crucifixion- Paperback
(9#) His Resurrection- Paperback
(10#) His Return- Paperback
ISBN- 1-889773-SOSSET
About the author: John G. Butler is a native of Iowa. He has been a Baptist minister for nearly half a century and pastored for over thirty-five years with pastorates in Williamsburg, Ohio; Detroit, Michigan; Chicago, Illinois; and Clinton, Iowa. He is a veteran of the United States Navy, attended Tennessee Temple University and graduated from Cedarville University.