Dr. Stephen Olford, a leading expository preacher and author, often comments that the only thing that can replace great preaching is greater preaching. In our study of the Scriptures the one thing that replaces great resources is greater resources. Such is the case with the Studies of the Savior Series by John Butler.
These Books are the most thorough, informative, and well laid out expository studies of the Savior possibly ever developed.
The purpose of this study is to instruct the reader about the person and work of our wonderful Savior, Jesus Christ. Few people know much about Christ though they talk about Him as though they were well-acquainted with Him. Right knowledge will correct a lot of poor doctrine, and if there is anywhere we need right knowledge, it is in the knowledge of Jesus Christ. The understanding of the issues of life that really matter is dependent upon our knowledge of Christ.
Paperback, 758 pages.
ISBN- 1889773530
About the author:
John G. Butler is a native of Iowa. He has been a Baptist minister for nearly half a century and pastored for over thirty-five years with pastorates in Williamsburg, Ohio; Detroit, Michigan; Chicago, Illinois; and Clinton, Iowa. He is a veteran of the United States Navy, attended Tennessee Temple University and graduated from Cedarville University. He is the author of the twenty volume Bible Biography Series, the Studies of the Savior series and the on-going daily devotional series entitled Daily Bible Reading. -