People all over the planet are looking for change and hope. In spite of endless political debates, financial bailouts, and global summits, humanity remains in a state of perpetual unrest. It’s as though we instinctively know that time is winding down and the end of the age is approaching.
But what then? What happens after the end? Furthermore, is it possible to understand what is going on in our world today and, in the midst of these tumultuous times, to live with courage and peace?
It is! Throughout Scripture, God has revealed future events. Through Bible prophecy, He lifts the curtain of time and allows us to see what is yet to come. These glimpses into eternity transform the way we see current events; for when you know God and understand what He is doing in this world, you can live with courage, stability, and peace.
Understanding the Times will help you connect present-day events to Bible prophecy with crystal clarity. It will encourage your heart and direct your focus to the soon return of Jesus Christ.
Paperback, 263 pages.
ISBN- 9781598944518