This is a true saying, and everyone should believe it: Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners. I Timothy 1:15

The Vanishing Power of Death: Conquering Your Greatest Fear

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It has been said that death is one of the last “taboos.” Even Christians confident of their salvation are often uncomfortable with thoughts of death. With his trademark compassion, pastoral wisdom, and insightful biblical exposition, Dr. Lutzer guides the reader to a deeper understanding of the meaning of the empty tomb.

Many believe that we have no right to judge anyone’s lifestyle or beliefs. We have lost the ability to judge the world because we have lost the ability to judge ourselves.

Who Are You to Judge? is a book about discernment; the ability to distinguish the false from the true, or better, the false from the half true. Our responsibility as members of the church is to distinguish biblical Christianity from the counterfeit spirituality and values of today’s world.

Our task is to make wise judgements in a non-judgemental world!

Paperback, 176 pages.

Erwin Lutzer

ISBN- 9780802409454