What makes The Sunday School Book (TSSB) the only book of its kind? Its goal! What’s the goal? The goal of each lesson is to reach the permanent memory. It will be like knowing one’s name, birth date, the abc’s, the twelve times tables, and the states and capitals. These 12 lessons will become a part of every student’s permanent memory and build the foundation that will anchor the soul forever. You will learn how to add to your permanent memory with joy, no matter what your age, and then begin teaching others to do the same. What does it take to make TSSB successful in your Sunday school class? Two things! First, a person who is a teacher rather than a speaker. Next, people who want to be learners rather than listeners. God’s Word is the greatest treasure that any soul can possess. If you hide it in your heart, apply it to your life, and give it out to others, your light will shine and your reward will be great, not only in this life, but in the life to come.
Paperback, 208 pages.
ISBN- 9780991011520