This is a true saying, and everyone should believe it: Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners. I Timothy 1:15

The New Answers Book 3

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The world around us provides irrefutable evidence of our Creator, but when challenged, can you defend your faith? Do you have answers to your own questions or those of your family about faith, evolution, creation, and a biblical worldview?

Get the important information you need in this compelling third book from the popular Answers series, and learn more about:

•Global warming

•Cloning and stem cells

•The existence of God

•Bacteria and viruses

•Questions for evolutionists

•Human and chimp DNA

•The universe - young or old?

•"Kinds" in Genesis

•What Noah's Ark looked like

...and much more.

Learn how to be more effective in defense of scriptural authority and the truth of Genesis as literal history. Join Ken Ham and leading creation scientists like Dr. Jason Lisle, Dr. Andrew Snelling, Dr. Georgia Purdom, Dr. David Menton, Dr. Terry Mortenson, Dr. John Morris, Dr. Steve Austin, Dr. David DeWitt, Dr. Danny Faulkner, Dr. Joe Francis, and others as they provide simple and empowering answers to these and other popular questions of faith in our culture today.

Paperback, 384 pages.

ISBN- 9780890515792