See the interior and exterior of both the First Temple (Solomon's Temple) and Second Temple (Herod's Temple at the time of Christ).
This highly detailed diagram by acclaimed Bible artist, Bill Latta, shows both Temples: The one constructed in 960 BC and the one expanded in 62 BC by King Herod the Great.
Enhance Bible study lessons with this wall chart that shows both the interior and exterior drawings of both the First and Second Temple
Use reproducible worksheets on the back of the poster for classroom use Includes the following details on the Temple Old Testament Temple:
The Brazen Altar
Golden Lampstand
The Veil
Ark of the Covenant and more!
New Testament Temple:
The Brazen Laver
Altar of Burnt Offering
Place of Slaughter
Porch of the Temple
More details in the New Testament Temple:
The Holy Place
Double-folding doors and outer veil
Golden Lampstand (Golden Menorah)
Table of Showbread
Gold Altar of Incense
Holy of Holies (Most Holy Place)
Inner Veil Foundation
Stone Chambers of the Inner Sanctuary
ISBN: 9781628623505