Lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust corrupt and where thieves do not break through nor steal. – Matthew 6:20
Are you prepared to sign your name to a blank sheet of paper and then hand it over to God for Him to fill in as He pleases? If not, ask Him to make you willing and able to do this and everything else. You will never be happy until you let the Lord Jesus keep the house of your nature, closely scrutinizing every visitor and admitting only His friends. He must reign. He must have all or nothing. He must have the key of every closet, of every cupboard, and of every room. Do not try to make them fit for Him. Simply give Him the key. He will cleanse and renovate and make beautiful.
How to gain victory over sin
How to have a blessed life
What it means to be separate from the world
How to love reading your Bible
How to turn monotony into purpose
How to avoid the tendency to drift from Christian living
ISBN- 9781622455904