This product is a disc designed for use with a computer. It gives you WSR's beautiful piano accompaniment AND lyric slides in one great resource!
Cleanse Me (3 verses)
Have Thine Own Way Lord (3 verses)
I Am His and He is Mine (3 verses)
I Must Tell Jesus (3 verses)
I Need Thee Every Hour (4 verses)
I Surrender All (3 verses)
In the Garden (3 verses)
Just As I Am (4 verses)
My Jesus, I Love Thee (4 verses)
Near to the Heart of God (3 verses)
Nearer, My God, to Thee (3 verses)
O How I Love Jesus (4 verses)
O to Be Like Thee! (3 verses)
Savior, Like a Shepherd Lead Us (3 verses)
Softly and Tenderly, Jesus is Calling (3 verses)
Sweet Hour of Prayer (2 verses)
Take My Life and Let it Be (3 verses)
Tell it to Jesus (3 verses)
What a Friend We Have in Jesus (3 verses)
Whiter than Snow (3 verses)