This is a true saying, and everyone should believe it: Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners. I Timothy 1:15

Handfuls of Pasture 2 Volume Set

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Volume One

Here you will find ’’songs of deliverance’’ with which a Saviour-God compasses about His justified and hidden ones. Would that we were more filled with them! What shame that we should be more characterized by murmurings and complainings, than by songs of triumph. Surely if we would just ponder our mercies and blessings more deeply, our songs would be more abundant. Who have such reason to be glad as those who are justified by, and perfectly hidden in God?- C.H. Mackintosh

Paperback, 188 pages.

Volume Two

It is perfectly delightful to contemplate the moral triumphs Christ gives the believer- the victories which He provides over self and the world, and the marvelous way in which such victories are obtained. The law said, Thou shalt do this, and thou shalt not do that. But Christianity speaks a totally different language. In it we see life bestowed as a free gift- life flowing down from a risen and glorified Christ. This wonderful truth and more like it uplift the soul throughout Handfuls of Pasture.

Paperback, 168 pages.

ISBN- STBC000000178