Now you can explore the origins, purposes, and destinies of the nations strictly from a biblical perspective. In Dr. Henry Morris’, God and the Nations, you will find a comprehensive study of the history of God’s dealings with the nations — past, present, and future.
This is truly the untold story of the world. Many volumes have been written about individual nations, of course, as well as regional and world histories, but even these are rarely written from the biblical perspective. Filled with Morris' well-documented Scriptural research, you will find in these easy-to-read pages the answers to the following questions and more!
• What are the two principles mandates God gave all nations?
• Why did God choose Israel as His elect nation, and why did He even need an elect nation?
• Why does God put down one nation and establish another?
• What about the law of God?
• Does it apply to Christians today?
• Can any nation in the world in our day be described as truly seeking the God of the Bible and His Christ?
• Should the prophecies about Christ’s coming and God’s wrath being poured out on the nations be taken literally or figuratively?
• What form of government does God call for on the part of today’s nations?
Morris examines the chosen nation of the Jewish people, and the Gentile nations, seeing how they fit together and gives a solid biblical framework for the importance and inclusion of each in God's major narrative for mankind. Moving from the Dominion Mandate, he looks at the Missionary Mandate, and God's intention that all nations be reached with the Gospel. His added thoughts and insights to the urgency of this mandate will inspire your faith and devotion to live with intention to fulfill it.
God and the Nations is a biblical doctrine of the nations and a must read for every Christian! Find where you and your nation fit in God's timeline.
Paperback, 218 pages.
ISBN- 9781683441601