In this thirteen-week workbook-style Bible study on the New Testament parables, readers will develop an ear for the message these stories convey—that the Kingdom of God is at hand and is in you and me. And one glorious day the Kingdom will come to completion when the Ultimate Parable, Jesus the Christ, returns and takes His throne. Until that time, we are the keepers of the Kingdom, and as subjects of this nation we must live in such a way as to please the King. The parables tell us how to live as Kingdom people.
Of the thirteen weeks, the first nine explore the parables of Jesus in the four gospels; the next three look at the parables in Acts and those from Paul and the apostles. The study culminates in a look at what the author calls living parables, with Jesus as the Parable of all parables.Through Him we come to know God the Father, and through Jesus we come to live as living parables in a world begging to “see God.” Living story-shaped lives allows others to see God in us—this is Kingdom living.
The workbook includes a chart of parables in chronological order, a chart of parables alphabetically arranged in the four gospels, a chart showing the locations in Israel where the parables were taught, and an index of scriptures to make finding parables quick and easy. A downloadable Group Study Guide is available through the author’s website as well as a photo gallery of pictures from the author’s trip to the Holy Land where these parables were first shared.
Workbook, 152 pages.
Size: 8.5 X 11 inches
ISBN- 9780899573496