Matthew 19:6–9 says, ’’For this cause a man shall leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave to his wife; and they shall become one flesh. Consequently, they are no longer two, but one flesh. What therefore God has joined together, let not man separate’’ (NASB). Understanding what the marriage covenant entails is only possible when our covenant with Jesus Christ is thoroughly understood. Author Judy Rossi wants women to know that there is a cost to covenant. Her book, Enhancing Your Marriage, A Women’s Bible Study, encourages married women to examine where they really stand regarding the commitment made to their two covenant partners—Jesus Christ and their husbands. Women who read Enhancing Your Marriage will discover the Creator’s intent for the holy institution of marriage; what His definition of love is and how that compares to what they have been taught about love. Frank talk about sex and sexuality is addressed, and advice is given for rekindling flames of romance in marriages. Through this challenging Bible study, wives of all ages are called to examine their attitudes about love and marriage as they relate to truth found in God’s Word.
Workbook, 242 pages.
ISBN- 9780899571522