This is a true saying, and everyone should believe it: Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners. I Timothy 1:15

Faith Lessons #6 Discovery Guide - In the Dust of the Rabbi

Sale price $9.50 Regular price $14.99

Walk with Ray Vander Laan through the land that Jesus and his disciples walked. Learn how the culture and politics of the first century influenced the imagery and stories of the Bible, and see the Scriptures through the eyes of God’s chosen people, the Jews. Filmed on location, these next two installments in this powerful series sweep your small group on a journey through Galilee and Asia Minor. Learn how to follow Rabbi Jesus so closely that his dust covers you. Discover with Paul the apostle what walking like Jesus meant in the first century and what it means today.

In the Dust of the Rabbi:

Becoming a Disciple

Session 1-When the Rabbi says ’Come’

Session 2-When the Rabbi says ’Go’

Session 3-The Presence of God: A Counter-Cultural Community

Session 4-Living Stones

Session 5-The Very Words of God

Paperback, 187 pages.

ISBN- 9780310879664