This is a true saying, and everyone should believe it: Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners. I Timothy 1:15

Exegetical Commentary - I Cor 11- Is Conformity to Customs Necessary?

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In this commentary, the principle of "headship" is discussed in-depth (see 1 Cor. 11:3). The oneness of essence is shown by the united direction given by God the Father wherein the husband, as ordained by God, becomes the head. This is symbolically done by covering the wife's head, either by an artificial covering or by the natural covering of the hair. The husband needs no covering since his protection is Christ. This is no more evident than in the worship experience itself. The order that God ordained was designed so that the worship celebrations, the male and female genders could be distinguished. Where this is seen in this chapter is in the Lord's Supper event. Through faith, those who are worthy are able to participate. This event serves as a reminder of the sacrifice that Christ made on the cross makes Him worthy of our worship.

Because unworthy participation in the Lord's Supper is an egregious act, Paul warns us to examine ourselves spiritually as it pertains to our walk with Christ. This is so we may be conscious that our participation in any event commemorating the sacrifice of Christ may too be worthy.

Paperback,  213 pages.

ISBN- 9780899574615