Outside of personally living for and loving the Lord, there is arguably no greater work Christians can undertake than preaching the good news of Jesus Christ to the lost. It may be that you do not yet have that burden on your heart, or perhaps eternity itself is not yet a reality to you. Or, perhaps you have that burden, but feel like there are no open doors for ministry available to you. Your church may be cold and currently making no great impact in your community.
No matter your current circumstance, only believe that the same One who commissions His people for His work also has sufficient resources to enable the work to move forward. Only believe that as you dig into the Scriptures, perhaps with the help of this book, which serves as a biblical guide, that the One who cares most for this work can also put that same burden and love into the hearts of you and your church.
While this book was originally written more than one hundred years ago, it appears that it was written for such a time as this. The author first challenges the reader regarding the need. Then he addresses the church and how to engage your available help. Specifics from inviting your community to your evangelistic events, to how to conduct successful evangelism meetings, are all covered in this invaluable volume. Learn what evangelism is, what it should look like, and how to obtain the power to perform it, using this updated edition of a timeless classic to spur you forward.