The new English Standard Version translation is founded on the belief that the words of the Bible are the very words of God. Setting itself apart from other translations by sacrificing neither accuracy nor readability, the ESV is an ’’essentially literal’’ translation that seeks to duplicate the original texts while taking into account the differences between modern English and the original languages. ESV sets a new standard—and is truly a Bible for all people.
The top-selling ESV Thinline Bible is ideal for use at home and on-the-go. At less than 1’’ thick and available in multiple designs, there is a perfect ESV Thinline Bible for everyone.
Size: 5.375 x 8.375
8-point type
1,112 pages
Less than 1’’ thick
Presentation page
Double-column format
Concordance with over 12, 000 references
New full-color maps
Format: Genuine Leather
Page Count: 1112
ISBN-10: 1-581-34503-8
Trim Size: 5.375 in x 8.375 in
Weight: 23.6 ounces
Published: March 31, 2003
Type Size: 9.0
Page Layout Double Column
Additional Features: Sewn Binding Maps Lifetime Guarantee Concordance Ribbon Gilded edges Red Letter
ISBN- 9781581345032