This is a true saying, and everyone should believe it: Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners. I Timothy 1:15

Commentaries for Biblical Expositors

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Commentaries for Biblical Expositors

Dr. Jim Rosscup
’’Dr. Rosscup has condensed a lifetime of personal research into these pages. His comments are judicious and his recommendations reliable . . . I commend this work to the present generation of pastors, as well as to those who are ’ministers-in-the-making’.’’
Author, The Minister’s Library

’’Dr. Rosscup unlocks an unprecedented treasure. His compilation, annotation and evaluation of more than 1000 commentaries will show the ’’best of the best,’’ both old and new. His lifetime investment will produce incalculably rich dividends in our future expositions. His revised edition looks at more than 300 additional commentaries.’’
Vice-President and Dean, The Master’s Seminary

Paperback, 351 pages.

ISBN- 9780977226238