This is a true saying, and everyone should believe it: Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners. I Timothy 1:15

Be Basic: Believing the Simple Truth of God’s Word (Genesis 1-11)

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When things start to fall apart, get back to the basics!

The Book of Genesis is the ’’book of beginnings’’ in the Bible, and the first eleven chapters present the ’’basic.’’ These chapters are to live what a foundation is to a house or what the Constitutions is to the low of the land. If you want to build a life that succeeds, to face and solve life’s problems, to serve effectively, you start with the basics.

In Be Basic, you’ll become reacquainted with the accounts of Creation, Adam and Eve, Noah and the Great Flood, and the Tower of Babel, and in the process you’ll...

  • Learn the basic truths about God and people;
  • Discover the basics about the world you live in;
  • Understand the basics about sin and temptation;
  • Marvel at the basic truths that make life work.

    Paperback, 190 pages with personal and group study questions included.
  • Warren Wiersbe-Be Series-Old Testament-Genesis-Pentateuch
    ISBN- 9781434766359