From the author:
I began writing the book about my journey of faith through my son Jonathan’s mental illness shortly after his death in 2013. I could not get any further than the first paragraph of the foreword. Each year thereafter, I progressed a little more. Then in March of 2020, I felt compelled to continue and hopefully complete Jonathan’s story. Because of being in lock-down due to the COVID-19 pandemic, I had more time to write. Praise God it finally went to print in September this year, 2021. My computer keypad has many times been tear-stained as I recalled details and lessons God taught me.
My motivation for writing Always, Only Good has been multi-purposed: to share my son’s journey because of my great love for him; to give others gazing from the sidelines a snapshot view into the life of someone living with mental illness and thereby help them be better supporters; to impart how I personally discovered God is good through and because of mental illness; and to assure those dealing with mental illness that they are not alone.
God has been with me every step of the way along this journey—even when my eyes could not see or my heart feel His presence. I pray that by sharing the goodness of God that I discovered, I can be a help to many who need to feel God’s love during some difficult trials they are facing.
Hardcover, 251 pages.