Amos Henry was dead set against the church constructing a parsonage. Like the fictional Boss Hogg of Hazzard County, Amos held a lot of power and unnerved a lot of people. But he was no match for the Lord, who performed miracle after miracle to ensure a young pastor and his wife a fit place to live. Building the church parsonage is just one of many inspirational stories the author tells as he relates the mishaps and miracles he encountered while serving God in his very first pastorate in Goodview, Virginia. You’ll travel with Elwood and Maxine McQuaid to America in the 1950s and to the values and lessons that forever shaped the lives and ministry of a young couple that wanted to serve the Lord.
Paperback, 180 pages.
ISBN- 9781664290136
About the Author
Elwood McQuaid is an award-winning author whose service in Christian ministry spans seven decades. After pastoring churches for 24 years and serving as a conference speaker and editor-at-large for Moody magazine, he was named executive director of The Friends of Israel Gospel Ministry and editor-in-chief of its bimonthly magazine, Israel My Glory, where he served the Lord until he retired. He also hosted The Friends of Israel’s radio broadcast for 25 years and was heard regularly on Jerusalem Post Radio. Elwood has written 17 books, including the popular Zvi: The Miraculous Story of Triumph Over the Holocaust and It Is No Dream about the past and prophetic history of Israel.