Dr. Lutzer takes the reader on a journey to examine the Bible with a critical eye. With the current cultural onslaught against the authority of God’s Word, we explore the seven reasons why we can unequivocally trust and fully depend on the Bible. Each reason is thoroughly developed in easy to understand language.
Reason 1: Logical – the claims of the Bible.
Reason 2: Historical – the reliability of the Bible
Reason 3: Prophetic – the predictions of the Bible
Reason 4: Christological – the authority of Christ
Reason 5: Scientific – the story of Creation
Reason 6: Providential – the canonical approach
Reason 7: Personal – the power of the Word
The top-selling Seven Reasons Why You Can Trust the Bible is revised, expanded and includes Bible study questions at the end of each chapter. A dynamic tool to disciple new Christians and evangelize non-Christians, it is an effective resource for the lay Christian who desires to understand why we believe what we believe.
Paperback, 233 pages.
ISBN- 9780802413314