Do You Need a Church Pianist? Worship Service Resources produces piano accompaniment CDs for congregational singing. Each song has an introduction and is easy to follow.
A New Name in Glory (3 verses)
Fill My Cup Lord (3 verses)
Heaven Came Down (3 verses)
Heavenly Sunlight (3 verses)
I Feel Like Traveling On (3 verses)
I Know Who Holds Tomorrow (2 verses)
I Would Not Be Denied (3 verses)
It is Truly Wonderful (3 verses)
Jesus Saves! (3 verses)
Joy Unspeakable (3 verses)
More About Jesus (3 verses)
No Not One! (3 verses)
Revive Us Again (3 verses)
Ring the Bells of Heaven (3 verses)
Send the Light (3 verses)
Sheltered in the Arms of God (2 verses)
Soon and Very Soon (4 verses)
Sunlight, Sunlight (3 verses)
Stand Up, Stand Up for Jesus (3 verses)
Take Time to Be Holy (3 verses)
The Haven of Rest (2 verses)
The Love of God (2 verses)
This World is Not My Home (3 verses)
Where Could I Go? (3 verses)
Wonderful Grace of Jesus (3 verses)