Do You Need a Church Pianist? Worship Service Resources produces piano accompaniment CDs for congregational singing. Each song has an introduction and is easy to follow.
All Hail the Power of Jesus' Name (4 verses)
All the Way My Savior Leads Me (3 verses)
Amazing Grace (4 verses)
Blessed be the Name (4 verses)
Crown Him With Many Crowns (4 verses)
Fairest Lord Jesus (4 verses)
Friendship with Jesus (4 verses)
He Keeps Me Singing (4 verses)
I Am Thine O Lord (4 verses)
I Have Decided to Follow Jesus (4 verses
) I Know That My Redeemer Liveth (3 verses)
I Know Whom I Have Believed (4 verses)
In My Heart There Rings a Melody (3 verses)
I Will Sing the Wondrous Story (4 verses)
Jesus Is All the World to Me (4 verses)
Love Lifted Me (3 verses)
Our Great Savior (3 verses)
Praise Him! Praise Him! (3 verses)
Rejoice, the Lord is King (4 verses)
Satisfied (3 verses) Saved! Saved! (3 verses)
Since Jesus Came into My Heart (3 verses)
Tell Me the Stories of Jesus (3 verses)
The Lily of the Valley (3 verses)
To God be the Glory (3 verses)
ISBN- 9368103932