How to Study the Bible
Five tips for more consistent Bible study.
Do you desire to have a consistent pattern of Bible study but are not sure where to begin? We've outlined 5 easy steps below to show you a way to get started.

1. Bible study is at its best bright and early in the morning when one's mind is alert and at a sharper level of comprehension. Late in the evening can also be beneficial because there tend to be fewer things to distract one's attention, especially when young children have gone to bed. But whether you choose early in the morning, late at night or lunchtime at mid-day, when it comes to Bible study, consistency and privacy are key. So, the first step in developing a Bible study would be to set up a regular place and time with a minimum number of distractions. The most quiet place one can find, apart from day-to-day activities would be ideal.
2. Next, choose a plan that will help you understand the Word of God. For many of us, time is limited, so what often works well is to find a short study broken into small increments. Kay Arthur's 40-minute Bible study series are perfect for an in-depth study for people with a busy schedule. Her approach to inductive Bible study draws you into the Word quickly and deeply. Other Bible study series which assist you getting deeper into Scripture would be Warren Wiersbe's Be Series, John MacArthur Bible Studies, and the AMG Following God series.
3. Pray. Prayer before Bible study is not just a good idea, it is essential. When we pray, we show our reliance upon God's Spirit to give us wisdom in order to be able to comprehend and apply His Word to our lives.
4. Write down your thoughts as you work through the study. Keep a journal of what God reveals to you in the Bible. You might be amazed when you go back later and see what God showed you. His Word will not return void but will accomplish everything He intends for it to do.
5. Find someone to hold you accountable to your commitment to Bible study. Christians need one another. Accountability will help you be consistent.
Years ago, I desired to have a consistent Bible study, but to be honest, I just wasn't motivated to get up in the morning until I had hit the snooze button on my alarm clock at least a couple times. I prayed and asked for God's guidance. And then I made a plan: I purchased a programmable coffee pot. I set my alarm clock for about 30 minutes before my normal waking time and I went to bed a little earlier. I found my first attempt at this to be somewhat difficult. But after the study, I asked myself? “Was that so hard? ” The answer? No! It was actually quite invigorating and encouraging. Thus began a journey I have been on for years. Spending time with the Lord in His Word, early in the morning, is now the best part of my day! His Word re-orients my understanding of the world to interpret every joy, every struggle, every victory in light of God's plan of redemption as He has revealed Himself and His will in His Word. So, before I check my email, before I listen to the radio in my car, or anything else, I listen to what God says in His Word. I testify that this simple discipline has changed my life.
Would you like more ideas for growing in your personal study of the Bible? Visit the following links to read more about some of our favorite tips, tools, and resources for Bible study.
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Is your schedule too hectic for a regular Bible study with fellow believers? If so, you'll appreciate the Forty Minute Bible Study series by Kay Arthur. Each study in the series last for six weeks and can be done in 40 minutes with no homework. Read our review of this excellent Bible study series.
Personal Bible study is a vital part of the Christian life. We offer many excellent choices from well-known conservative teachers and writers. Visit our Bible Study categories page to browse our collections and find the perfect study for your situation.