This book ’’rightly divides’’ the fundamentals in a series of contrasts, as ’’Law and Grace,’’ ’’Faith and Works,’’ ’’Standing and State,’’ Sin and Salvation,’’ Atonement and Redemption,’’ etc.
It contains the ream and meat of the Author’s sermons and Bible lectures, for thirty years, and is illustrated with 55 charts and diagrams, the charts are clear and simple and adapted to Institute and Bible class work.
Rightly Dividing the Word of God
Chapter 1: Rightly Dividing The Word
Chapter 2: Ages and Dispensations
Chapter 3: Jew and Gentile
Chapter 4: Church and Kingdom
Chapter 5: The Four Gospels
Chapter 6: The Two Advents
Chapter 7: The Spirit World
Chapter 8: Satan
Chapter 9: The Satanic Trinity
Chapter 10: The Mystery of Godliness and The Mystery of Iniquity
Chapter 11: Resurrection of Jesus
Chapter 12: The Resurrections
Chapter 13: The Judgments
Chapter 14: The Two Adams
Chapter 15: Atonement and Redemption
Chapter 16: Sin and Salvation
Chapter 17: Law and Grace
Chapter 18: Faith and Works
Chapter 19: The Two Natures
Chapter 20: Standing and State
Chapter 21: Regeneration and Baptism
Chapter 22: Election and Free Will
Chapter 23: The Reciprocal Indwelling of Christ and the Believer
Chapter 24: The Threefold Work of Christ
Chapter 25: Christ Our Passover
Chapter 26: Heaven and Hell
Chapter 27: Judaism and Christianity
Chapter 28: The Circles of the Christian Life
Chapter 29: Palace Beautiful
Chart 1: The Prophetic Days of Scripture
Chart 2: The Times and Seasons
Chart 3: Ages and Dispensation
Chart 4: The Three Stages of the Earth
Chart 5: The Prophetic Earth
Chart 6: First and Second Re-creative Days
Chart 7: Third and Fourth Re-creative Days
Chart 8: Fifth and Sixth Re-creative Days
Chart 9: The Dispensation of Judgment
Chart 10: The Jews
Chart 11: The Five Great World-Wide Kingdoms
Chart 12: The Gentiles
Chart 13: The Church
plus, over 40 more charts!
"An excellent study of things that differ in the Bible. . . The book is an excellent introduction to the fundamental doctrines of the Christian faith." |
Hardcover, 328 pages.
Clarence Larkin
ISBN- 9780001473904