This work sets forth the place of the law in the Christian life. Samuel Bolton (1606-1654) successively minister of three London parishes before becoming Master of Christ’s College and later Vice-Chancellor of Cambridge University, expounds the nature of Christian liberty and then clearly sets the bounds of that liberty in answer to the following six questions
1 - Does our being made free by Christ free us from the law?
2 - Does our being made free by Christ deliver us from all punishments or chastisements for sin?
3 - Is it consistent with Christian freedom to be under obligation to perform duties because God has commanded them?
4 - May Christ’s freemen come into bondage again through sin?
5 - Is it consistent with Christian freedom to perform duties out of respect for the recompense of the reward?
6 - Does the freedom of a Christian free him from all obedience to men?
Paperback, 224 pages.
Approximate size of book is 4 3/4’’ X 7’’
ISBN- 9780851510835