Previously published as Exploring the Mind and Heart of the Prince of Preachers
Over 5000 quotations arranged in more than 1000 topical headings from the works of C.H. Spurgeon.
… no author I have ever read is as quotable as Spurgeon. His published sermons as well as his books are a fertile source for ideas, expressions, illustrations, and axioms that help make biblical truth clear. I have on my shelves several anthologies of Spurgeon quotations. But none is as exhaustive, as carefully assembled, or as useful as this massive collection …
Dr. John MacArthur
“The way to do a great deal, is to keep doing a little. The way to do nothing at all, is to be continually resolving that you will do everything.”
Charles Haddon Spurgeon
Charles Haddon Spurgeon (1834-1892) is the most widely read and extensively quoted preacher in Christian history. Sixty-three volumes of Spurgeon’s sermons and thirty additional books totaling more than 40,000 pages of his writings have been read and extracts carefully selected for this book. Here is Spurgeon, unabridged, and in his own words, in over 5,000 of his best quotations, anecdotes, and maxims—listed under more than 1,000 topical headings. You will find heart-warming devotional reading, pungent quotations for preaching and teaching, sound biblical wisdom and guidance in this volume—the largest collection ever assembled.
Paperback, 590 pages.
ISBN- 9781934952382