Psalm 25:14 says, ’’The secret of the Lord is with them that fear Him.’’ The writer of this little book on prayer obviously knew his Lord, and also knew many of His secrets.
In a simple, direct, warm style Guy H. King uncovers these secrets, one by one, from the Scriptures. The reader should not be deceived by the brevity of the chapters. Despite the depth of the subject matter, there is profound, challenging, encouraging, and convicting truth in these short pages.
The author explores the wonders and privileges of coming boldly before Heaven’s Throne as he carefully explains the ’’protocol’’ of approaching Royalty. He gently uncovers the delights of a working relationship and conversation with the One we are permitted to address as ’’Our Father.’’ It is clear that Mr. King knew about prayer in such a way as only comes through faithful practice of the secrets in the ’’secret place.’’ He presents it all in a fashion that continually focuses on the object of our praying and glorifies Him for granting us the privilege of such access.
Paperback, 136 pages.
ISBN- 9780942889116