Do You Need a Church Pianist? Worship Service Resources produces piano accompaniment CDs for congregational singing. Each song has an introduction and is easy to follow.
Alleluia! Sing to Jesus (3 verses)
Beneath the Cross of Jesus (3 verses)
Blest Be the Tie that Binds (2 verses)
Break Thou the Bread of Life (3 verses)
Breathe On Me Breath of God (4 verses)
Brethren We Have Met to Worship (3 verses)
Bringing in the Sheaves (3 verses)
Burdens Are Lifted at Calvary (3 verses)
Faith is the Victory (3 verses)
God Be with You till We Meet Again (4 verses)
I Gave My Life for Thee (3 verses)
Jesus is Tenderly Calling Thee Home (4 verses)
Jesus Loves Me (3 verses)
Let Us Break Bread Together (3 verses)
Make Me a Blessing (2 verses)
More Love to Thee O Christ (4 verses)
My Faith Looks Up to Thee (3 verses)
O Happy Day (3 verses)
O Master Let Me Walk with Thee (4 verses)
O Sacred Head Now Wounded (4 verses)
Open My Eyes That I May See (3 verses)
Spirit of God, Descend Upon My Heart (4 verses)
Were You There? (3 verses)
Where He Leads Me (3 verses)
Whosoever Meaneth Me (3 verses)