Do You Need a Church Pianist? Worship Service Resources produces piano accompaniment CDs for congregational singing. Each song has an introduction and is easy to follow.
1. Am I a Soldier of the Cross? (4 vs. F)
2. Be Thou My Vision (4 vs. D)
3. Give Me Jesus (3 vs. E flat)
4. Give of Your Best to the Master (2 vs. E flat)
5. God, Give Us Christian Homes (4 vs. E flat)
6. He Is So Precious To Me ( 3 vs. F)
7. His Way With Thee (3 vs. F)
8. I'll Live For Him (3 vs. F)
9. I Love Thee (4 vs. E flat)
10. I Love Thy Kingdom, Lord (5 vs. F)
11. I Saw the Cross of Jesus (4 vs. D)
12. I've Found a Friend, O Such a Friend (4 vs. A flat)
13. Jesus, the Very Thought of Thee (4 vs. G)
14. Let Jesus Come Into Your Heart ( 3 vs. G)
15. Lord, I Want to Be a Christian (4 vs. E flat)
16. Make Me a Channel of Blessing (3 vs. G)
17. Moment by Moment (3 vs. F)
18. Search Me, O God (4 vs. G)
19. Something For Thee (3 vs. F)
20. Sunshine in My Soul (3 vs. G)
21. Take My Life, and Let It Be (Yarbrough) (3 vs. G)
22. To the Work ( 3 vs. E flat)
23. Trusting Jesus (3 vs. F)
24. What If It Were Today? (2 vs. C)
25. When Morning Gilds the Skies (4 vs. B flat)