Do You Need a Church Pianist? Worship Service Resources produces piano accompaniment CDs for congregational singing. Each song has an introduction and is easy to follow.
Amazing Grace (4 verses)
Come and Dine (3 verses)
Dwelling in Beulah Land (3 verses)
Farther Along (3 verses)
He Leadeth Me (3 verses)
He Set Me Free (3 verses)
He Touched Me (2 verses)
I Must Tell Jesus (3 verses)
I'll Fly Away (3 verses)
In the Garden (3 verses)
Just a Closer Walk with Thee (3 verses)
Just Over in the Gloryland (2 verses)
Leaning on the Everlasting Arms (3 verses)
Nothing But the Blood (3 verses)
Somebody Loves Me (3 verses)
Standing on the Promises (3 verses)
Sweet By and By (3 verses)
Sweet, Sweet Spirit (2 verses)
The Lily of the Valley (3 verses)
The Unclouded Day (3 verses)
There is Power in the Blood (3 verses)
There is Sunshine in My Soul (3 verses)
What a Day That Will Be (2 verses)
What a Friend We Have in Jesus (3 verses)
Won't It Be Wonderful There? (3 verses)