Flying on Wings of Beauty examines one small creature in God’s animal kingdom--the butterfly. You’ll marvel at the brilliant color and detailed patterns that God placed on each butterfly. Learn how the butterfly travels literally hundreds of miles on a warmer climate during the winter months. And that’s just the beginning of the wonderful, interesting facts we examine about the delicate butterfly that God designed.
The Long Journey - At first glance, the salmon may seem to be an unobtrusive, ordinary fish. But the salmon is anything but ordinary. In the Long Journey, you’ll follow the voyage of might salmon on their remarkable trip. Discover how these little fish persevere, following their instincts, until they reach their final destination.
Also includes: Machines of Beauty, Somewhere Out There, Streams of Life and Life on the Move
Approximate running time: 10 minutes each/ 60 minutes total
ISBN- 9781575672786