This is a true saying, and everyone should believe it: Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners. I Timothy 1:15

John G Butler Bible Biography Series

Bible Biographies help us gain wisdom into matters of faith, godly conduct, and Christian service. God has provided their stories as examples to us. The Lord could have given the Bible in the form of a rule book only. But rather He included in His Word, stories of people—folks like you and me to whom we can easily relate. The Bible Biography Series is a study of striking figures in biblical history whose lives provide us with much important truth for every person, age, and culture.

Butler's Bible Biography Series are expository in style which allow God's Word to determine the subject matter and lessons. They are also extensively outlined to organize and clarify the subject. While the books—because they are biographical, emphasize the practical truths of the text, they also teach much doctrine, as it is naturally found as part the text of study.

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