This box of cards includes cards to send to someone who has lost their father or mother.
Three each of four different sympathy cards from realistic impressionist Egidio Antonaccio
Card #1
Cast thy burden upon the Lord, and he shall sustain thee. Psalm 55:22
Resting in the arms of our Father,
safe is your loved one now, at peace in heaven.
With Deepest Sympathy
Card #2
’’for thou art with me....’’ Always. Psalm 23:4
In this time of deep
and personal sadness,
these prayers
come to you in faith
that God will make His presence
gently and gracefully felt
in your life,
through the comfort and peace
only He can give.
Keeping you in close prayer and thought.
Card #3
Blessed are those that mourn: for they shall be comforted. Matthew 5:4
In the loss of your Father, what you will remember is the
guidance he gave, the example he was, and the sacrifices
he made. What you will always feel...is his love>As you are
remembering your father,
know that you are
being thought of
with love and sympathy.
Card #4
For I the Lord thy God will hold thy right hand...Isaiah 41:13
She once carried you in her arms and held your hand to cross the street...
Now you carry her within your heart forever.
With deep sympathy in the loss of Your Mother.
ISBN- 814497010288