“Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature,” Jesus commanded His disciples. Anyone who is committed to bringing the good news of Jesus Christ to the world hears dozens of excuses and objections.
This easy-to-use handbook quickly points to the Scriptures that answer the questions and settle the doubts of people who have not yet met Christ. Compiled by R A Torrey, one of the greatest evangelists of modern times, this valuable ministry tool will teach you how to become a successful-soul winner, use God’s Word to answer difficult questions, show the self-righteous their need of God, and help believers mature in Christ.
In addition, you will find helpful soul-winning hints and faith-strengthening Scriptures. The limitless power of the Word of God is available to help you become an effective worker in the harvest field of this world.
Paperback, 111 pages.
ISBN- 9780883681701