Dear Reader
Evangelists must be careful to maintain a delicate balance. What devout Christian does not long to see sinners converted and brought into the Church? It is hard to imagine a person who has been redeemed from the power and penalty of sin, not desiring for other needy people to come to the same salvation. However, it is possible for sincere Christians to be so zealous about soul-winning that they virtually attempt to force sinners to embrace Jesus Christ as Savior. In contrast, there are Christians who have been so discouraged by soul-winning failures that they have given up trying, and are determined to let God save who He will without their help. Both of these positions are out of balance and result in failure. What does God say about evangelism? What part does He play? What does He expect His people to do? The Bible records many wonderful invitations from God to needy people. These invitations offer insight into God’s plans and purposes. The great invitations of the Bible demonstrate the great grace of God who offers them.
Paperback, 313 pages.
ISBN- 9781932307931