This history begins with the Lord’s revealed purpose concerning His church in Matthew 16. Other parts of the New Testament have been carefully examined as to the early history of the church, but its actual history beyond the time period covered in the Acts has been traced in the light of prophetic history of the church given in the addresses to the seven churches in Revelation 2-3. To aid in learning about a specific period in church history, the chapter headings show the time period covered by the chapter. Also, the book includes a general index, an index of persons and an index of places.
In this book ’’I have aimed at more than mere history. It has been my desire to connect it with Christ and His Word, so that the reader may receive the truth and blessing, through grace, to his soul.’’ Andrew Miller
Not only a recorder and interpreter of history, Andrew Miller (1810 - 1883) had a passion for souls. He was a true evangelist as well as a spiritually gifted teacher. He saw the multitude and his soul was stirred. Rarely ever did he preach without tears. Near the end of his life Andrew considered the history that he had recorded, looked around at what he saw, and gazed by faith into the future. Then he exclaimed, ’’Nothing counts but Christ.’’
Paperback, 1204 pages.
ISBN- STBC000000034