Physician, evangelist, administrator, visionary, compassionate husband and father -- James Hudson Taylor filled all these roles, and more. As a pioneer missionary to China, he left a lasting mark on that great country. Few in the history of the Christian church accomplished so much with so little.
Contemporary Christians may be unfamiliar with the spiritual magnitude of this great and godly man. That’s why this new edition of Taylor’s classic biography is presented to today’s believers -- to those who may be unfamiliar with the integration of truth, faith, humility, and obedience Hudson Taylor modeled so effectively. His secret of the ’’exchanged life,’’ and his profound dependence on the Lord for every need, must be discovered by a new generation.
Taylor’s walk with God entailed tribulation, hardship, poverty, frustrations, and misunderstandings. He learned to wholly trust God because God is indeed enough. That was the ’’secret’’ by which he lived and it can be ours as well.
Paperback, 260 pages.
ISBN- 9780802456588