Can you defend the authority of the Bible?
Government and media leaders have been eliminating the Bible and its teachings from society for years. Now there are Christian professors, pastors, and other church leaders who cast doubt on the reality of Adam, the age of the earth, and the inerrancy of the Bible. This cultural disregard for the Word of God demands that we focus on educating ourselves and defending the truth.
General editors Ken Ham and Bodie Hodge of Answers in Genesis along with a team of biblical scholars and Christian apologists present answers to twenty relevant debates. This all-star lineup of authors include Jason Lisle, Brian Edwards, Tommy Mitchell, Steve Ham, Jobe Martin, Steve Fazekas, Terry Mortenson, Tim Chaffey, Roger Patterson, Bob McCabe, Georgia Purdom, and John MacArthur. Guard your family, your church, and future generations from vague notions of truth and authority. Be prepared to give a reason for your faith in God!
In the growing “biblical authority” debate—which often encompasses the creation-evolution controversy—we usually get a host of questions about science and the Bible. But as soon as we answer those questions (for example in our popular New Answers Book series), skeptics realize their defeat and quickly change their line of attack and go after the Bible itself or the character of God.
Paperback, 300 Pages.
ISBN- 9780890516331