What’s in a name? Everything. Particularly in the Bible, personal names and titles have significant meanings and often convey a wealth of information about the individual being depicted. This is most truly the case with the titles and symbols used to describe the Lord Jesus Christ.
The Scriptures instruct us that the way to know God is through Christ. A proper understanding of who Jesus is lies at the very root of the Christian religion and impacts the daily life of every believer. Even Jesus used these names to teach truths regarding Himself. When He would have us know that there is no way to heaven but through Him, He said, “I am the Door.” And when He would teach us how kind He is to those who follow Him, He said, ”I am the Good Shepherd.” When He would impress on our minds how weak and worthless we are without Him, He speaks of Himself as the Vine, and His disciples as the branches. If we follow His counsels, then, He says, we build on a rock; and if not, then we are like the foolish man who built his house on the sand.
In AMG’s Concise Names of Christ, James Large has compiled and interpreted more than 280 titles of and symbols for Christ. This study of the names of Christ will open the eyes of the reader to the glory of Jesus Christ and His redeeming work.
Hardcover, 480 pages.
ISBN- 9780899576411