“As Christ died in order that we may be justified, so we are justified in order that we may be sanctified and made holy.” —J. I. Packer
During his lifetime, late theologian J. I. Packer noticed a troubling lack of concern—particularly among Western Christians—for personal holiness. Many believers ignore the call to Christlikeness, which should be “the goal of our redemption,” and instead focus on worldly distractions.
Rediscovering Holiness urges believers to recommit to their sanctification and gives practical examples of spiritual healthiness from Scripture. It also addresses important topics for the Christian life, including the meaning of holiness, repentance, and endurance. This repackaged edition features additional insights from Packer on the role of holiness in salvation and the renewal of the church, and concludes with an afterword entitled “Holiness in the Dark: The Case of Mother Teresa.”
Hardcover, 288 pages.
ISBN- 9781433572814